7629 Rainier Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98118
During this time it is extremely important to keep the staff of Life's Salon and our customer's safe. We at Life's Salon are doing our part by making sure the salon is disinfected properly before and during appointments to keep ourselves and clients safe. Please help us stay safe and healthy by staying home if you have any symptom's, wearing your mask, and coming alone to your appointments.
Based on the US Center for Disease Control Guidelines, service providers, daily, are encouraged to screen all clients for signs of respiratory illness accompanied by fever.
All clients entering Life's Salon llc building will be asked the following questions below. Life's Salon will maintain this record for 14 days from completion of this form and have this form available upon request from the Public Health Department.
Covid-19 Screening Checklist
Covid-19 Screening Checklist