7629 Rainier Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98118
1. How far in advance should I make an appointment?
We recommend 2 weeks in advance and pre-booking your next appointment at check-out before leaving the salon.
2. What do I do if I need to cancel my appointment?
We realize things happen. If at all possible please give us at least a 24 hr. notice, so that someone else will have the opportunity to take your time slot. A $25 Cancellation fee will apply if not cancelled within 24 hrs.
7. How much do I tip?
Tipping is never required but always appreciated. Like restaurants, 10% to 20% is the norm.
8. Can I add the tip on my credit card?
YES. You can add it to your credit card or give cash or check directly to the stylist.
3. Where should I park?
Street parking is available in front of the salon and on Saturdays behind the building the lot is open. ( driveway is located next to Cederstrand rentals sign)